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──Jun 29 , 2021Photo machine summer maintenance

  1. Wechat picture_20210521150756

  2. 1.The photo machine should use a special strip when working. Photo machine is a large equipment, its own power is large. Especially in summer, all regions enter the peak of electricity consumption, so it is more prone to voltage instability than other seasons. If the work is plugged in to connect other equipment, it is easy to short-circuit phenomenon, resulting in print interruption.

  3. 2.It is rainy in summer, and the temperature difference between day and night is large in many places, it is easy to condense water droplets in the room in the morning, and it is best to cover a cover in the photo machine at night, which can also reduce the cold air into the machine and avoid condensation droplets.

  4. 3.Take care to turn off the built-in drying system. Due to the high temperature in summer, it is not recommended to open the drying system. If you want to speed up the drying speed of the picture, you can use an external air drying system, which is more conducive to delaying the service life of the photo machine.

  5. 4.Pay attention to the ink nozzle do not wipe, ink can be wiped with a non-hair cloth or paper towel. Otherwise, the ink hole may be blocked.

  6. 2

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Photo machine nozzle maintenance is the key, blocking head from every day!