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──Nov 30 , 2020Five reasons why winter photo machine is easy to block the nozzle

I believe that friends who have used photo machines or inkjet printers are not unfamiliar with the phenomenon of blockage of the nozzle, in fact, the principle of the photo machine is the same as that of ordinary desktop printers, using inkjet technology. However, why is the winter photo machine easy to block the nozzle, Audley photo machine manufacturers to give you an analysis of the situation!


The following reasons can easily cause blockage of the nozzle:

First, the ink problem

For example, the ink accumulates too much outside the photo machine nozzle, and to a certain extent, the nozzle will be blocked, which is more common and one of the reasons for the blockage of the nozzle. Because the ink will evaporate and dry after contact with the air, there may be residual ink on the surface of the nozzle and the medium after the nozzle is sprayed. Because the ink will form solid objects after drying, especially oily ink, if not cleaned or cleaned in time, it is easy to form nozzle blockage for a long time. On the other hand, the viscosity of the ink is too high or too low will also cause blockage, the viscosity of the ink is too high, the fluidity of the ink is poor, and the amount of ink emitted by the nozzle is not enough per unit time;The viscosity of the ink is too low, that is, it is too thin, and it is easy to breathe air when the piezoelectric crystal is pumped back in the spray hole, and the ink can not be sucked, so the air is sprayed out;Both will cause the nozzle does not produce ink phenomenon.

Second, replace different inks

Because the composition of the ink produced by different manufacturers is different, there is no more cleaning of the nozzle and the pipe when it is replaced, so the original residual ink and the replacement ink are mixed together, and the ink dryness and other unknown chemical reactions are easy to block the nozzle.

3. Piezoelectric crystal problem

For example, piezoelectric crystal damage, the general life of the piezoelectric nozzle is about one year, according to the use of the nozzle, in this case, usually the nozzle will be completely out of ink, not blocked.

Fourth, the working environment of the photo machine

For example, the indoor temperature of the work, the temperature of the air, etc., will also easily cause blockage of the nozzle. Therefore, under the same temperature conditions in winter and 100 days, we should pay more attention to the daily maintenance work of the photo machine. For example, in summer, the indoor working temperature is too high, the temperature is too low in winter, and the different humidity changes. Usually in this case, we recommend that the working room temperature of the photo machine is22Go to25Between degrees, not too high or too low, the relative temperature is best40%to70%Around.

5. Other relevant factors

Such as too much dust in the working environment of the photo machine or oil on the machine, it is easy to adhere to the nozzle or ink, forming debris to block the nozzle;

The above points are often encountered in the day caused by the blockage of the nozzle, so we in the daily photo machine nozzle maintenance work, should be based on the above reasons to do maintenance work. In this way, not only can you make your photo machine work easier, but also can greatly extend the service life of the nozzle, to the company or store to bring greater benefits.


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