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──Sep 13 , 2022Do you really understand the moisture-proof maintenance of the photo machine? You will understand after reading this!

In the twinkling of an eye, September has officially begun in early autumn, and the advertising industry has ushered in a hot fruit time. Temperatures across the country are changeable and thunderstorms are increasing, especially in the south, where the annual plum rain season is also approaching.


Verified by relevant regional meteorological data, the accuracy has been70%to80%. It seems that this rainy season is inevitable. Therefore, in the rainy season, we must do a good job of photo machine tide prevention matters.

Why pay attention to moisture-proof in rainy season?

When it rains, the first thing that changes is the humidity of the environment. In the south, the humidity on rainy days is generally80%Above, some areas can even reach95%Above, the north is about70%Around. The humidity requirements of the photo machine printing environment are in40%~60%Between, the humidity is too large, will cause the printing material to be damp, ink viscosity becomes larger, thus affecting the print output screen, and even blocking the nozzle.

The Audley photo machine 

In addition, in a humid environment, the operation of the photo machine may cause the motherboard to short circuit or even burn, and the picture printed in a humid environment is more difficult to dry than usual, so that the work efficiency is greatly reduced.

How to do moisture-proof in rainy season?

①The rainy season should pay attention to close the doors and Windows to prevent wet air into the room. If the weather gets better, you can open the window for air.

②Use the air conditioner to dehumidify. The dehumidification function of air conditioning is the use of the principle that the water in the air will be condensed into water when it is cold. However, since dehumidification is only an auxiliary function of air conditioning, the dehumidification effect is often not satisfactory. In order to avoid excessive humidity, it is recommended that you can place some desiccant and so on.

③In order to make the print screen dry as soon as possible, remind everyone not to roll before the screen is not dry, otherwise the ink will be smudged and adhered to, which will lead to the screen printed out directly scrapped. It is recommended that you open the external drying system of the photo machine or appropriately slow down the printing speed to shorten the drying time.

④Before starting the machine every day, be sure to use a hair dryer to blow the motherboard, the small car board and the socket of the data cable at both ends5~10Minutes, keep the board dry, so as to reduce the impact of moisture, to avoid the nozzle vertical line, shielding and spray holes do not ink phenomenon.

⑤The printing medium is easy to absorb water and get damp, so we must pay attention to the storage method of the printing medium. Put the printing material back into the original packaging after each use, try not to touch the ground and walls, it is best to put on the shelf, or on the ground cloth.

The Audley photo machine 

What happens when the tide turns?

When we find that the photo machine board is damp, we should not continue to turn on the machine as usual, what we need to do is to remove the board from the machine, and then dry it, and then check whether the functions are normal after drying, and make sure that there is no safety risk before use.

The maintenance of the photo machine in a humid environment is of great benefit to extending the life of the equipment, and can avoid quality problems in the output screen.


Leading the industry trend, show the style of India-- Audley photo machine

How do you understand moisture-proof maintenance of photo machine? If you have any questions or serious questions, please leave a comment below the article; You can also call Audley's service hotline:400-6179998;Scan the QR code below:



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