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──Jan 23 , 2021Tips: The importance of using original ink for photo machine


Piezoelectric photo machine is a large format inkjet printing application, in which ink is an important consumable, the use of high-quality ink and inferior ink, directly affects the color effect of the photo machine inkjet printing output, photo machine using the original original ink benefits, recommend you to use the original ink, color and inkjet quality is guaranteed!

Many customers will be told to use the manufacturer's original ink when buying a photo machine, rather than buying their own ink. This situation is very common, sometimes the customer will have doubts about whether the manufacturer or the agent in order to make profits. In fact, this is not the case, the following Audley small series to the majority of customers specific analysis!


The harm of poor quality ink:


The raw materials of inferior ink are inferior, the production environment is poor, the operation process is not standardized, and the final product produced is also shoddy.


Poor quality ink has poor color reduction. When drawing, the output diagram is prone to color bias, and the color difference between the final output diagram and the original picture is large, leading to waste of consumables, and also affecting the printing efficiency.


Poor quality ink has poor fluidity. Poor quality ink is easy to precipitate, when the precipitation in the ink tube circulation, it is easy to block the nozzle, resulting in printout ink. If the spray hole is blocked frequently, it will directly damage the nozzle in the long run, leading to the scrap of the nozzle.


Poor quality ink affects the drying speed of the picture. The adhesion of poor quality ink is poor, and it can not be well attached to the printing medium, resulting in slow drying speed of the picture, not timely winding, and easy to cause problems such as dizzy picture.


The benefits of choosing a manufacturer's high-quality ink:


Choose Audley original ink, with good color reproduction, excellent color saturation. It is highly matched with the photo machine, so as to better ensure the color and quality of the photo inkjet printing machine. The printout image and the original design color difference is small, to achieve the best color performance.


Ink fluency is good, affected by temperature is small, in different climate environments, have a good performance, and in the long-term inkjet printout is not easy to print broken line, printing performance is stable, good adhesion, with rapid drying. It has good weather resistance, green environmental protection, and effective protection of the nozzle, which ensures the printing quality of the picture and improves the drying speed of the picture.


The use of photo machine original ink, photo machine inkjet printing output media compatibility is better, such as indoor or outdoor print paper media, such as photo paper, photo cloth, inkjet cloth, car stickers, back glue, etc. After inkjet printing, it can be used in automobiles, building external wall coating inkjet products, store promotional posters, advertisements, posters, promotional materials, etc., the application field is very large.


As a loyal user of the Audley photo machine, when purchasing ink, we must buy the original ink of the photo machine manufacturer, do not covet cheap and mistakenly buy inferior ink, we must pay attention to the truth of a penny, the use of inferior ink, the harm to the photo machine can not be underestimated, and the damage caused by the photo machine nozzle caused by the covet of temporary cheap. The use of inferior ink, poor fluency, large ink particles, easy to lead to the blockage of the photo machine nozzle, serious damage to the nozzle;The color difference between the print color and the original drawing is large, and the image deviation affects the overall effect of the inkjet drawing, which can be a very typical case of penny wise and pound foolish!Rejection of inferior ink must begin now!


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