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──Nov 08 , 2021When the weather gets cold and the indoor temperature is low, how should we maintain the equipment?

Due to the cold weather, the indoor temperature is lower, and the viscosity of inkjet printer ink becomes higher. Henan Indu small edition suggestion: photo machine/UVFollow the following steps to operate the device.


1.The inkjet printer room must be installed with air conditioning and other warm equipment, open in advance, until the indoor temperature reaches20CWhen the above device is turned on, the temperature display of the secondary cartridge is reached40°Above, can press ink cleaning nozzle. Only when the temperature of the nozzle and the temperature of the secondary ink cartridge reach the normal setting temperature can you print.

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2.In winter, the room is dry and prone to static electricity. Please keep the indoor humidity. Indoor humidity can be guaranteed by indoor mopping and equipped with a large capacity humidifier. To avoid printing problems caused by indoor drying, such as flying ink, broken ink, bidirectional uneven printing.

3.LEDThe water cooler must be replaced with antifreeze to prevent water flow from freezing due to weatherLEDLamp work, resulting in print ink dry, damageLEDA lamp bead.

4.Because the dry winter is easy to generate static electricity, please remove the flocculum adsorbed around the sprinkler bottom plate due to static electricity in time. Avoid oblique spray or plugging due to flocs sticking to the nozzle surface.

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5.Due to the thermal expansion and contraction characteristics of the soft film, be sure to check the length of the print. You can modify the length compensation to ensure that the printed material meets the requirements.

Please maintain your equipment correctly. If you have any technical problems, please contact the technical personnel in time!


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Note: The weather is cool, how to maintain the photo machine!