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──Sep 07 , 2022Banner machine maintenance precautions, how much do you know?

Banner machineIt is the same as our other machines and equipment, it also has its own operating specifications and operational precautions, we need to follow the operating steps to use, otherwise it is easy to cause machine failure. So what should you pay attention to when working with a banner machine?

Audley king Kong-1000KNew banner machine 

Machine use precautions:

one Temperature control:

Indoor humidity should be55%Around, the temperature is15℃-25℃If necessary, use a humidifier and install an air conditioner. (The indoor temperature and humidity will affect the printing effect).

two Before starting:

①The bottom line must be connected, and each bottom line must be grounded separately from other machine ground lines (the three ground lines connected to the shutdown power supply, motherboard and chassis must be grounded separately). In order to avoid excessive static electricity affecting the normal operation of the computer, please connect the bottom line at the parallel port of the computer.

②The working input voltage isAC 220VToo high or too low voltage will cause the equipment to work abnormally, and AC must be used220V  2KWPower regulator;

③Check whether the water tank is short of water, whether the pump is running normally, and the water level at least reaches one-third of the water tank capacity during operation;

④Carefully check whether the print head water pipe interface leaks, and confirm that there is no water on the overall surface of the print head. When the rubber roller is dry and free of foreign matter, it can be started.

Three. To put the machine to rest:

In order to prevent the printing head from overheating and shortening its service life, it is recommended to print continuously100At about a meter, Machine stop5-10In a minute, Continue to work after the print head cools. Continuous machine operation10After an hour, Should be suspended2Hours, huge high load operation is also easy to cause machine damage.

Four. Clean print head:

Print travel accumulated to800Metre or2-3When rolling the cloth, use a cotton swab to gently wipe the print head with anhydrous alcohol. Do not use a wet paper towel or other hard objects to wipe the print head.

Audley king Kong-1000KNew banner machine 

Note during printing:

①If it is found that the data line falls off accidentally during the working process of the machine, the power supply must be cut off immediately, and the sowing can be done after confirmation; (If inserted incorrectly or incorrectly, it will burn the print head and motherboard)

②Print hair hot plate and print head surface should be kept clean, there should be no foreign matter;

③Ensure that the printing medium is clean and free of foreign matter before it can work normally;

④To prevent static electricity on the print headIC.When the heating plate is damaged, do not touch the terminal directly with your hand, and do not let the terminal contact live matter;

⑤Observe the water tank at any time, pay attention to add water at any time;

⑥Do not plug and unplug data cables and print cables.

Five. Scheduled maintenance:

The machine is placed in a dry and ventilated place to ensure that the working environment of the machine is clean and sanitary. No dust; When the machine is not used for a long time, it is necessary to take measures to prevent dust and moisture, and do not place liquid on the chassis.

Six. Computer use:

The computer should be dedicated, try not to connect to the network and install anti-virus software; During the working process of the machine, do not run other programs on the computer, so as not to affect the normal printing work; If you need to use a mobile storage device, remove the virus and then connect to the computer.

Seven. Ribbon storage:

In order to ensure the printing effect, please5℃to40℃, 20% to85%Storage under temperature conditions, storage time cannot exceed1This year. It is strictly forbidden to expose the ribbon directly to sunlight or damp environment.

Finally, the banner machine is strictly prohibited to print at full load (full plate printing), in this state will seriously damage the print head and greatly shorten the print head life.


Banner machineDo you understand the maintenance methods and what you need to pay attention to when using? If in doubt, you can leave a comment below the article; For more information about the equipment, you can also call Audley Service hotline:400-6179998. You can also scan the QR code below:



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