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──Jun 13 , 2020Four head photo machine for what industry? What are the characteristics of benefiting the people

Speaking of photo machine, as an advertising printing you must be very familiar with the outdoor light box advertising, advertising signs, image background wallFor the advertising forms that can be seen everywhere in life, a large part of them are displayed through photos, so photos play an important role in the current business planning and lifestyle consumption. Then, as an important part of the advertising industry, the photo machine is a printer dedicated to printing photo advertising, in advertisingCompanies, printing and processing sites can be seen everywhere, and the use of the industry has widely become the mainstream printing equipment.

The advertising photo is printed by the photo machine, and the printing effect of the finished product depends on the quality of the photo machine. Such as Audley production and development of wide-format photo machine series, there is economytypeS3000Single and double head photo machine, stable typeS7000Two-head three-head photo machine,S3200Photo jet printer,S3300Small format0.7/1.3mPhoto machine and black sharkH1Industrial four head photo machine. Photo machine configuration upgrade includes the number of photo machine nozzle, board type, and rackFunctions, etc., the more high-end photo machine can be equipped with more sprinkler heads, the higher the printing speed, the higher the output accuracy, improve work efficiency and reduce production costs Medium and large advertising production and processing companies bring high value performance.

Industrial photo machine

A newly developed black shark in Audley, HenanH1Industrial photo machine, printing format is1.9Rice, can be paired with EpsonThe Five Dynasties/I3200Three-headed,XP600Four-head configuration, three-head indoor high-speed access118square/Hours, four head outdoor speed can reach60square/Hours, compared with other brands of multi-head photo machine, stable performance at the same time has an affordable price, industrial design concept and color gorgeous, full color restoration realistic effect, is you can not miss the high-quality photo printing equipment.

4The application range of the head piezoelectric photo machine

First, indoor and outdoor advertising printing industry

  The indoor and outdoor advertising industry should be a common one in photo machine applications, such as real estate advertisements around various real estate projects, large supermarkets and shopping malls, and bus stop advertisements.

2. Advertising processing industry

  Advertising processing industry is also a common application field of photo machine, because the industry's important requirements for graphic printing is clarity, and Audley photo machine in the printing accuracy is affirmed by the market, Audley photo machine printing output of not only high clarity, color is also very vivid, printing speed.

Three, bus stickers

  All kinds of buses will be seen on the street, and the advertisements posted outside the bus are printed by the outdoor photo machine, and the advertising picture printed by the Audley photo machine is not only bright and clear, but also does not fade for a long time, which can achieve a good publicity effect for a long time.

Four, oil painting cloth, flag cloth, etc

  With the continuous development and maturity of advertising photo machine technology, Audley photo machine has become the mainstream printing equipment for large format printing output, and its own high performance has been widely used in different industries, and has been widely used in the above industries.


Before and after the summer Dragon Boat Festival, the daily maintenance and maintenance measures of piezoelectric photo machine


Audley digital printing machine with Epson authorized I3200 nozzle, more stable. More worry free