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──Jul 15 , 2020How to improve the output accuracy and work efficiency of UV printers?


As advertising equipment contains full of goldUVPrinter, with high commercial application scope, excellent printing effect and personalized batch customization, since the launch of the domestic advertising industry people's attention, its performance configuration, operation mode is also known by more people, more conducive to choose qualified and suitable for their ownUVThe printer.

Facing tens of thousands, hundreds of thousandsUVThe cost of printer investment, in line with the knowledge of oneself and the enemy, the purchase experience of shopping around, is more rational purchaseUVThe right choice for printer friends. It is also a long process from contact to determination, examining the customer andUVThe communication and cooperation ability of the printer salesman, and the comprehensive quality of the machine,UVThe three indicators of the printer is an important reflection, the following Audley small series around these three indicators: stability, printing speed, accuracy, to share their views.

1, stability

In daily processing and production, it is always testedUVPrinter stability for large formatUVThe industrial production of printers is more important, which directly affects the production state of normal operation in the future. The machine will encounter various reasons such as working environment, operation mode, sprinkler state, physical accuracy, color output and so on, and the performance is stableUVThe printer can reduce or avoid the number of failures, which is more conducive to the maintenance work.

2, printing accuracy

The accuracy of the machine affects whether the products produced can meet the printing needs of customersUVDirect method of printer quality.UVThe printer has high printing accuracy, no color difference, and high reducibilityUVHigh precision is an important embodiment of impactUVThe factors of physical accuracy of the printer include non-blocking of the nozzle, ink fluency, and platform stability.

3, print speed

In the production and processing, the printing speed is the key to judging whether it is profitable, but alsoUVThe core competitiveness of printers. Fast speed, high efficiency, can improve the production level of enterprises, reduce costs, more suitable for industrial advertising production and processing.

In general, choose a good oneUVThe printer needs a comprehensive consideration of many aspects, such as field visits, shopping around, sample mailing and printing to testUVThe quality of the printer, better understand and choose it.


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