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──Sep 03 , 2020About photo machine | recently the nozzle price is as expensive as gold, reasonable maintenance is true

Everyone must be familiar with the nozzle, as a photo machine or other printing equipment core components, the stability of the nozzle indirectly determines the quality of the machine, in the Epson nozzle market is seriously out of stock, leading to industry demand, a single nozzle increase of about 1,000 yuan, can be described as expensive as gold, how to extend the nozzle service life, reduce replacement costs and wear consumption, Reasonable maintenance and maintenance of photo machine nozzle is important to advertising shops and processing operations!

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Photo machine ink

Ink and nozzle are the two key factors for the normal printing and stability of the photo machine, the interaction of the two is indispensable, so to maintain the excellent printing state of the nozzle, there are certain requirements for the quality and operation of the photo machine ink.

1Prohibit mixing: there are many ink brands on the market, the composition of the ink solvent produced by each company is different, different types and batches of ink mixing is easy to cause chemical reactions, light will cause color, eclipse problems, heavy will produce precipitation blocking the nozzle, so indoor and outdoor ink, different brands of ink prohibited mixing.

2Poor quality with care: poor quality ink fluency and reducibility are not up to standard, affecting the drawing effect and order submission, pigment particles burning block nozzle, resulting in permanent wear degree, so do not cobble cheap poor quality ink, small losses are not worth the loss.

3Choose the original: Choose the original ink of the photo machine manufacturer, basically proved by experiments and long-term use test, compatible with the photo machine nozzle and stable and reliable, the manufacturer and provide long-term after-sales protection, is the only choice for photo machine ink.


Photo machine operation

1Shutdown seal: After the photo machine is completed, ensure that the nozzle and ink stack are closely combined to isolate the air, fully moisturize the function, and prevent the nozzle from clogging.

2Power off protection: Before replacing parts or maintaining the photo machine, remember that the photo machine should be powered off, and do not install and disassemble it at will.

3Remove foreign bodies: In addition to paper consumables, it is forbidden to place other foreign bodies on the printing platform of the photo machine, which will cause damage to the nozzle.

4Prevent static electricity: reasonable storage of consumables to avoid friction generation of electricity, the machine must be connected to the ground before use, contact the nozzle need to wear protective gloves.

5Maintenance: If the photo machine nozzle is broken, first detect its severity, and then use the corresponding method to solve, the cleaning process is slow, do not force injection, will cause damage to the nozzle.

Photo machine environment

1Humidity temperature: pay attention to the temperature and humidity around the photo machine, the temperature is at15-30Degree, humidity at40%-60%If the environment does not meet requirements, configure air conditioners, dehumidifiers, and fans to improve the working environment.

2Voltage stability: In the processing workshop of high-power equipment, it is recommended to configure a high-power voltage regulator to ensure the stable voltage in the work of the photo machine, so as to make the production and processing of the nozzle more stable.

3Reduce dust: the autumn climate is dry, more wind and less rain, easy to cause wind dust phenomenon, indoor tightness is not good, photo machine nozzle, board card and parts into the dust, electrostatic interference and nozzle blockage failure, so it is very important to take appropriate protective measures.

The above is the maintenance skills of the photo machine nozzle, I hope to help you!


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