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──Jun 17 , 2022Don't know how to choose a photo machine? After reading this article, you will understand

With the development of the market, most of the current advertising printing production companies are facing these problems:

1.Labor costs are rising year by year, and it is difficult to recruit personnel!

2.With the expansion of the space, the rent went up greatly!

3.Business is up, but it can't be delivered in time!

4.The unit price is low and the profit is thin;

5.Equipment increases, operating costs increase;

So how can advertising companies make money in these circumstances?

1.Order at high price?In the highly competitive printing market, it is only suitable for advertising production companies with long-term brand customer support;

2.Mass production increases profits?Mass production is bound to expand the site, increase equipment personnel, operating costs have also increased significantly;

3.Cost saving?If the equipment is unstable, the efficiency is not out, how to save?

In fact, these problems start from your equipment investment decisions, which determines whether your business is twice the result with half the effort, and investing in high-quality stable and efficient equipment can allow you to achieve these. Audley factory according to market demand, launched high efficiency, high quality four head photo machine, welcomed by many users, and two years of market user feedback, verify the Audley four head photo machine is really stable and efficient.


AudleyADL8194Four head photo machineThe user really can:

1.Improve printing efficiency and productivity;

2.Save space, reduce rent investment;

3.Save labor, reduce wages, bonus benefits and insurance;

4.Save other operating costs;

Audley has been well received by advertisers since its launch two years ago. In order to bring a more comfortable printing experience to Audley users, in2022We are rightADL8194A new upgrade.

Let's take a lookAudley8194Four head photo machine:

ADL8914The photo machine is specially developed and manufactured for the high-end market to meet the diverse and high standard needs of customers. equip4An EpsonI3200Nozzle, in terms of printing accuracy and printing speed, has an absolute advantage.


Exclusive to EpsonPiezoelectric inkjet technology on demandAccurately control ink drop demand,3200Two jet holes at the same time inkjet printing,1.9mThe printing format, the color transition of the picture is natural, deep light color, solid color can be easily done.4The branches work at the same time, and the printing speed is high85㎡/h.


ADL8914Photo machine accessories are all made of high quality materials, such as JapanTHKGuide rail, Leisai brushless integrated motor, high-power intelligent dryer, fluorine rubber paper wheel, etc., improve the overall quality of equipment from the details, create high-end flagship.

Outstanding quality Attention to detail

ADL8914Wide-format printerIt is common inside and outside the home and has a wide range of applications. Printable photo paper, adhesive photo paper,PPPaper,PVCHard pieces,PVCTransparent film, blowtorch film, photo cloth, oil painting cloth, transparent film, white canvas, satin cloth and so on.


ADL8914Four head photo machine

With excellent printing performance

And good market reputation

Get thousands of users' favor and recommendation!

Follow me, let you choose the equipment not to get lost!

Audley photo machine, Indu digital is willing to work with you to create a better tomorrow! National unified service hotline:400-6179998



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