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──May 26 , 2020Audley banner machine door installation guide and specific installation operation

  Banner machine is the primary advertising shop essential advertising equipment, which benefits from the simple operation of the banner machine, stable performance, convenient and easy to use, Audley banner machine is also the advocate of the banner machine brand, high market share, large shipments, wide radiation area. At the same time, after years of technical precipitation, the process and market channels have become complete and transparent, and advertisers have steadily improved the performance of advertising equipment.

  Often received customer consultation prices on the website, including on-site installation and do not install these two banner machine prices, often a difference of several hundred dollars, then where is the difference between the two?In fact, as the name suggests, door-to-door installation is Audley manufacturers or regional agents dealers, send senior technical personnel to door-to-door installation to provide training and technical support to guide users to get started as soon as possible. The cost of sending technical personnel requires users to come out, so the price of the banner machine is adjusted to ensure that the customer's normal period of production tasks.

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So how to choose the way of door installation or not door to door, the following Xiaobian to share with you:

Door-to-door installation required

  1. It is generally suitable for beginners who have just started their own business, and they do not know much about the operation and maintenance of the banner machine. On-site installation and technical support can avoid many illegal operations, which is very beneficial to after-sales maintenance.

  2. For friends who buy banner machines, generally more or less such banner processing tasks, I hope that the machine can grasp the printing task of the order as soon as possible, and the installation and debugging of the banner machine can be used as soon as possible.

  3. For some state-owned enterprises or institutions, the purchase of banners will be tendering, to provide a perfect purchase service process to ensure the actual use of the effect, door-to-door installation can make the procurement agent or tenderee more assured of the use of end customers.

  4. In remote places such as Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, etc., door-to-door installation is required to ensure after-sales protection, and the above installation method is generally adopted.

Door-to-door installation is not required

  1. If the banner machine has been used or has similar experience, can independently operate the machine to print normally, choose not to need on-site installation service.

  2. If the economic budget is not enough for users, you can also do not install, through wechat,QQRemote instruction via video or voice.

  3. Friends or peers around the banner machine have an understanding of the help and guidance can not choose.

  4. The location is close to the manufacturer or agent point, you can visit the manufacturer or sales network, and obtain the technical guidance of the manufacturer's technical personnel.

  The above is the environment where the banner machine is installed or not. I hope you can use the machine as soon as possible according to the specific situation.


Here Xiaobian to share the specific installation method ;

Banner machine installation procedure 1(Rack mounting)

  Unpack the wooden case - take out the contents in the case, check the list - remove the leg fixing screws - The engine leg is inverted and the universal wheel is installed - Install front and rear baffles -180 Stand on the ground with a degree of rotation - the head is on the frame and fixed - A water pump and water pipe are installed in the right chassis - Correctly connect the ground cable - Install the receiving rod, the receiving tape rod - Complete machine installation

Banner machine installation procedure2(Banner cloth, ribbon installation )

  Fixing cloth and laying rod, center aligned - Screw tight - ribbon mounting clip, fixing ribbon rod screw, center aligned - Remove the plastic gasket under the print head - Installation cloth and ribbon - Install power-on - InsertU disc - Press three buttons one by one - Select Document Print - Start printing

Banner machine installation procedure 3(UDisk printout)

  Open the self-contained CD engraving software - WideXXX*high 768- Input content - File - read-in - File typeALL , select Print picture - File-image-image conversion - Separate the image, select the outline pattern to put into the plate - file - Ribbon printing -PC Storage - Select a particular UDisk-save - interpositionUDisk printing

  Above is the specific installation of the Audley banner machine+Print video, if you want to obtain specific installation video information, you can pay attention to Audley wechat public number, choose after-sales service F6 Banner machine installation videos get more!


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