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──Nov 09 , 2020Audley teaches you: 8 tips for choosing a photo machine

How to choose the most desirable equipment is the primary concern of advertising graphic production companies, here Henan Audley share, more convenient and assured that you can choose high-quality photo machine printing equipment.


1According to the size of the material you print, choose the appropriate size of the printing equipment. Generally, under the same configuration, the larger the printing format of the machine, the higher the price. So in the procurement process do not blindly think that the bigger the better. Just buy what suits you.
2According to your production needs, choose the printing speed suitable for your printing equipment,Don't just think about price. I ended up getting a cheaper price,It's not enough to meet your production needs. Some machines on the market now are very slow,Only a few square meters can be printed per hour, and it is especially important to choose a cost-effective photo machine.

3Refer to the reputation of people familiar with the same industry. The experience of successful advertising producers reveals that when choosing printing equipment, we must do enough user word-of mouth research, ask some professionals, operators' evaluations, and online search, network forums, micro-blogs, blogs may have this evaluation. Any equipment brand with a good reputation is generally not worried about sales.

4Choose manufacturers with good production quality, good reputation and good brand.


5Test the proofing effect with a variety of commonly used materials. It mainly depends on the color printing accuracy, curing firmness, and whether the color is printed evenly,What is the light transmittance and so on. Users can bring their own test samples and printing media, print tests on the spot, and judge whether the photo machine products meet and achieve the ideal requirements of purchase from the printing effect.
6Generally speaking, during the exhibition, manufacturers will provide customers with some advertising promotion, special products and other aspects of support, naturally, the more this support, the more help to customers will be greater. When choosing a printing equipment brand, you can naturally tend to support more manufacturers.
7, after-sales service. There are many manufacturers in some cities do not have after-sales service points or after-sales service personnel are seriously insufficient, so when investing in equipment, we must investigate the after-sales service level of the manufacturer, and we can go to the after-sales service site of the regional agents to check and verify.
8, application scheme. There are a lot of manufacturers in the investors to buy, with all their efforts to blow the ceiling disordered. Once the money is paid, it's over. So be sure to understand the application of all walks of life. When you pay the deposit, be sure to get the application plan first.
The above sharing is worth everyone's reference, so that you can better choose a high-quality photo machine at this good time, convenient to buy, rest assured to use, and more worry-free after sale.

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